What I learned was that James Irwin lived and purchased in Hamilton County, Ohio 534 acres of land in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 from Clarkson Freeman which was part of the Virginia Military Lands that included all of the county east of the Little Miami.
Then in 1803, Hamilton County was split and Warren County with Deerfield Township. Now the property is in Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio like it is today.
James Irwin lived until he died was first Hamilton County, Ohio hence that is where it is recorded the land contract of 534 acres with Clarkson Freeman in 1796.
Then in 1804, Butler County was formed with Liberty Township. So in 1804, James Irwin was then in Liberty Township, Butler County, Ohio no longer living in Hamilton County, Ohio.
Then in 1826, Liberty Township was divided and Union Township was formed. So in 1826, James Irwin was living in Union Township, Ohio until his death in 1847.
All the early documents mentions James Irwin living in Butler County, Ohio either in Liberty or Union Townships, i.e. Census, and Tax Records.
Yes, James Irwin was mixed up with the John C. Symmes land disputes since John C. Symmes sold the entire Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00.
On 11 October 1811, James Irwin of Butler County, Ohio sells 30 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 (part of North 1/2 of section) to Peter Tetrick of Warren County, Ohio for $90.00.
Then 14 March 1822, James and Agnes Irwin of Butler County, Ohio sell 50 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to David Mizner of Warren County, Ohio for $200.00.
Then on 22 November 1823, David Mizner and Jennet his wife of Warren County, Ohio sells 50 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to James Baxter of Hamilton County, Ohio for $600.00. (Note: this James Baxter is William Cox Irwin father in-law through James Baxter's daughter Eliza Jane Baxter).
Then when James Irwin dies on 10 Feb 1847, per his will instructions the land he owned in Deerfield Township was divided among Robert Irwin (his only living child) and heirs of his grandchildren (deceased children). The problem arises that the land can not be divided equally without causing harm to it's value hence Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et al heirs.
The land by common pleas court order is sold at public auction and someone purchased it. The problem arises that James Irwin gave William Cox Irwin contract on the land to grow crops for 50 years or so. They then go back to court and William Cox Irwin purchased the land at appraised value (the same amount the other buyers paid for the land).
Then Robert Irwin by sheriff (same law suit of Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et all heirs sold 99 1/4 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to William Cox Irwin on 8 December 1849 for $3,624.48. Interesting note: Robert Irwin owns land in this same section next to James Irwin as mentioned in court documents.
Then a few years later, John Lowes et al heirs sue William Cox Irwin for not disclosing improvements on the land he purchased in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27. William Cox Irwin is ordered to pay John Lowes et al heirs damages.
Then on 27 March 1867, Robert Irwin of Warren County, Ohio sold 7.91 acres of land in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Fred Saulsbury for $879.00.
Then on 7 Sept 1867, Fred Saulsbury of Warren County, Ohio sold 7.91 acres of land in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Oliver Coleman of Hamilton County, Ohio for $6,490.00.
Here is info I researched on Warren County, Ohio:
One of the original four townships of Warren County, Deerfield Township was organized on May 10, 1803.[3]
WARREN COUNTY was established by an act of the first General Assembly of the State of Ohio, passed March 24, 1803, and named at the same time in honor of the first great martyr in the cause of American independence. The act creating the county took effect May 1, 1803, and with this date the history of the county, as a civil division, begins.
When Ohio became a State, but nine counties had been formed within its limits by proclamation of the Territorial Governor, and one of the first duties of the first State Legislature, which met at Chillicothe March 1, 1803, was the creation of new counties. Out of the large territory of Hamilton County, as it then existed, Warren, Butler and Montgomery Counties were formed by one act, and by the same act the county of Greene was formed out of Hamilton and Ross.
In the boundaries of Warren County, the mouth of the O’Bannon is the only point fixed by nature. The northern boundary of Clermont, which was a due east line from the mouth of the O’Bannon, had already been established, and was made the southern boundary of Warren, east of the Little Miami. The county, at its organization, extended eastward to the present site of Wilmington, and included no territory west of the Great Miami. In 1810, when Clinton County was formed, its western boundary was decreed to be so fixed as to leave to Warren a constitutional area of 400 square miles. On January 30, 1815, the territory of our county west of the Great Miami was detached from Butler and attached to Warren, and at the same time, eleven square miles of this county extending along its eastern border – being a narrow strip about half a mile in width – were attached to Clinton.
The territory thus formed into Warren County was made up of parts of three different tracts of lands, deriving their designations from the manner in which they were transferred to the occupants from the Government – first, the Virginia Military Lands, including all of the county east of the Little Miami; second, Symmes’ Purchase, including that portion west of the Little Mimi and south of an east-and-west line passing about a mile north of Lebanon; and third, Congress Lands, or lands transferred immediately to the occupants by the officers of the Government, comprising the remainder of the county.
Enlarged map of Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio in Range 2, Townships 4, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28, 33 and 34. You will notice that William Cox Irwin owns land in Sections 27 and 21. Robert Irwin owns land in Section 27, 33, and 34. James Baxter owns land in Section 27 and 20 (Section 20 in below Section 27 and partially shown).

Freeman Clarkson, agent for John C. Symmes’ attorney, sold 534 acres of land in Hamilton County, Ohio in the Virginia Military Tract, Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to James Irwin of Hamilton County, Ohio for $1,068 on 11 June 1796. In 1804, this Virginia Military Tract, Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 is part of Hamilton County, Ohio split and becomes part of Deerfield Township, in Warren County, Ohio. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office in Warren County, Ohio, Vol T, page 52 to 53.
Also recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Hamilton County, Ohio, Book B, No. 2, pages 176, 177, and 178.

James Irwin was mixed up with the John C. Symmes’ land disputes since James Irwin was mixed up with the Symmes land disputes since Symmes sold the entire Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00John C. Symmes sold the entire Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 1 pages 145 to 146.

On 11 October 1811, James Irwin and his wife, Agnes Irwin of Butler County, Ohio sells 30 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 (part of North 1/2 of section) to Peter Tetrick of Warren County, Ohio for $90.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 4, pages 67 and 68.

Then 14 March 1822, James Irwin and his wife, Agnes Irwin of Butler County, Ohio sell 50 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to David Mizner of Warren County, Ohio for $200.00. Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 10, pages 74 and 75.

Then on 22 November 1823, David Mizner and Jennet his wife of Warren County, Ohio sells 50 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to James Baxter of Hamilton County, Ohio for $600.00. (Note: this James Baxter is William Cox Irwin father in-law through James Baxter's daughter Eliza Jane Baxter). Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 11, pages 11 and 12.

Then when James Irwin dies on 10 Feb 1847, per his will instructions the land he owned in Deerfield Township was divided among Robert Irwin (his only living child) and heirs of his deceased children (his grandchildren). The problem arises that the land can not be divided equally without causing harm to it's value hence Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et al heirs.
The land by common pleas court order is sold at public auction and someone purchased it. The problem arises that James Irwin gave William Cox Irwin contract on the land to grow crops for 50 years or so. They then go back to court and William Cox Irwin purchased the land at appraised value (the same amount the other buyers paid for the land).
Then Robert Irwin by sheriff (same law suit of Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et all heirs sold 99 1/4 acres in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to William Cox Irwin on 8 December 1849 for $3,624.48. Interesting note: Robert Irwin owns land in this same section next to James Irwin as mentioned in court documents. Interesting note: William Cox Irwin is widower at this time with three small children, Martha A. Irwin age 7, Robert James Irwin age 5, and William M. Irwin age 4 months old. William Cox Irwin’s wife, Eliza Jane (Baxter) Irwin has died on 27 Oct 1849. The next year, William Cox Irwin marries Sarah Harper in 1850. Their marriage is recorded in Hamilton County, Ohio, Marriage Records.
Then a few years later, John Lowes et al heirs sue William Cox Irwin for not disclosing improvements on the land he purchased in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27. William Cox Irwin is ordered to pay John Lowes et al heirs damages.
Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 30, pages 623, 624 and 625.

Then on 27 March 1867, Robert Irwin of Warren County, Ohio sold 7.91 acres of land in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Fred Saulsbury for $879.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 44, pages 335 and 336.
Then on 7 Sept 1867, Fred Saulsbury of Warren County, Ohio sold 7.91 acres of land in Range 2, Township 4, Section 27 to Oliver Coleman of Hamilton County, Ohio for $6,490.00. Recorded in Recorder’s Office in Warren County, Ohio, Vol. 44, pages 621 and 622.

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What I learned was that James Irwin lived and purchased in Hamilton County,
Ohio 534 acres of land in Range 2,
Township 4,
Section 27 from Clarkson Freeman which was part of the Virginia Military Lands that included all of the county east of the Little Miami. Then in 1803,
Hamilton County was split and Warren County with Deerfield Township. Now the property is in Deerfield Township,
Warren County,
Ohio like it is today. James Irwin lived until he died was first Hamilton County,
Ohio hence that is where it is recorded the land contract of 534 acres with Clarkson Freeman in 1796. Then in 1804,
Butler County was formed with Liberty Township. So in 1804,
James Irwin was then in Liberty Township,
Butler County,
Ohio no longer living in Hamilton County,
Ohio. Then in 1826,
Liberty Township was divided and Union Township was formed. So in 1826,
James Irwin was living in Union Township,
Ohio until his death in 1847. All the early documents mentions James Irwin living in Butler County,
Ohio either in Liberty or Union Townships,
i.e. Census,
and Tax Records. Yes,
James Irwin was mixed up with the John C. Symmes land disputes since John C. Symmes sold the entire Range 2,
Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00. On 11 October 1811,
James Irwin of Butler County,
Ohio sells 30 acres in Range 2,
Section 27 (part of North 1/2 of section) to Peter Tetrick of Warren County,
Ohio for $90.00. Then 14 March 1822,
James and Agnes Irwin of Butler County,
Ohio sell 50 acres in Range 2,
Section 27 to David Mizner of Warren County,
Ohio for $200.00. Then on 22 November 1823,
David Mizner and Jennet his wife of Warren County,
Ohio sells 50 acres in Range 2,
Section 27 to James Baxter of Hamilton County,
Ohio for $600.00. (Note: this James Baxter is William Cox Irwin father in-law through James Baxter's daughter Eliza Jane Baxter). Then when James Irwin dies on 10 Feb 1847,
per his will instructions the land he owned in Deerfield Township was divided among Robert Irwin (his only living child) and heirs of his grandchildren (deceased children). The problem arises that the land can not be divided equally without causing harm to it's value hence Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et al heirs. The land by common pleas court order is sold at public auction and someone purchased it. The problem arises that James Irwin gave William Cox Irwin contract on the land to grow crops for 50 years or so. They then go back to court and William Cox Irwin purchased the land at appraised value (the same amount the other buyers paid for the land). Then Robert Irwin by sheriff (same law suit of Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et all heirs sold 99 1/4 acres in Range 2,
Section 27 to William Cox Irwin on 8 December 1849 for $3,
624.48. Interesting note: Robert Irwin owns land in this same section next to James Irwin as mentioned in court documents. Then a few years later,
John Lowes et al heirs sue William Cox Irwin for not disclosing improvements on the land he purchased in Range 2,
Section 27. William Cox Irwin is ordered to pay John Lowes et al heirs damages. Then on 27 March 1867,
Robert Irwin of Warren County,
Ohio sold 7.91 acres of land in Range 2,
Section 27 to Fred Saulsbury for $879.00. Then on 7 Sept 1867,
Fred Saulsbury of Warren County,
Section 27 to Oliver Coleman of Hamilton County,
Ohio for $6,
490.00. Here is info I researched on Warren County,
Ohio: One of the original four townships of Warren County,
Deerfield Township was organized on May 10,
1803.[3] WARREN COUNTY was established by an act of the first General Assembly of the State of Ohio,
passed March 24,
and named at the same time in honor of the first great martyr in the cause of American independence. The act creating the county took effect May 1,
and with this date the history of the county,
as a civil division,
begins. When Ohio became a State,
but nine counties had been formed within its limits by proclamation of the Territorial Governor,
and one of the first duties of the first State Legislature,
which met at Chillicothe March 1,
was the creation of new counties. Out of the large territory of Hamilton County,
as it then existed,
Butler and Montgomery Counties were formed by one act,
and by the same act the county of Greene was formed out of Hamilton and Ross. In the boundaries of Warren County,
the mouth of the O’Bannon is the only point fixed by nature. The northern boundary of Clermont,
which was a due east line from the mouth of the O’Bannon,
had already been established,
and was made the southern boundary of Warren,
east of the Little Miami. The county,
at its organization,
extended eastward to the present site of Wilmington,
and included no territory west of the Great Miami. In 1810,
when Clinton County was formed,
its western boundary was decreed to be so fixed as to leave to Warren a constitutional area of 400 square miles. On January 30,
the territory of our county west of the Great Miami was detached from Butler and attached to Warren,
and at the same time,
eleven square miles of this county extending along its eastern border – being a narrow strip about half a mile in width – were attached to Clinton. The territory thus formed into Warren County was made up of parts of three different tracts of lands,
deriving their designations from the manner in which they were transferred to the occupants from the Government – first,
the Virginia Military Lands,
including all of the county east of the Little Miami,
Symmes’ Purchase,
including that portion west of the Little Mimi and south of an east-and-west line passing about a mile north of Lebanon,
and third,
Congress Lands,
or lands transferred immediately to the occupants by the officers of the Government,
comprising the remainder of the county. Enlarged map of Deerfield Township,
Ohio in Range 2,
Townships 4,
Sections 21,
33 and 34. You will notice that William Cox Irwin owns land in Sections 27 and 21. Robert Irwin owns land in Section 27,
and 34. James Baxter owns land in Section 27 and 20 (Section 20 in below Section 27 and partially shown). Irwin map of land in Deerfield Twp,
Warren Co,
Ohio 1875 Map of Deerfield Township,
OH 1875 Combination Atlas Map of Warren Co,
OH 1875 Freeman Clarkson,
agent for John C. Symmes’ attorney,
sold 534 acres of land in Hamilton County,
Ohio in the Virginia Military Tract,
Range 2,
Section 27 to James Irwin of Hamilton County,
Ohio for $1,
068 on 11 June 1796. In 1804,
this Virginia Military Tract,
Section 27 is part of Hamilton County,
Ohio split and becomes part of Deerfield Township,
in Warren County,
Ohio. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office in Warren County,
Vol T,
page 52 to 53. Also recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Hamilton County,
Book B,
No. 2,
pages 176,
and 178. Freeman Clarkson to James Irwin 1796_0003Freeman Clarkson to James Irwin 1796_0004 James Irwin was mixed up with the John C. Symmes’ land disputes since James Irwin was mixed up with the Symmes land disputes since Symmes sold the entire Range 2,
Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00John C. Symmes sold the entire Range 2,
Section 27 to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798 for $853.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 1 pages 145 to 146. John C. Symmes sold to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798_0001John C. Symmes sold to Elias Boudinot on 5 Nov. 1798_0002 On 11 October 1811,
James Irwin and his wife,
Agnes Irwin of Butler County,
Ohio for $90.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 4,
pages 67 and 68. James Irwin of Butler Co to Peter Tetrick 11 October 1811_0001James Irwin of Butler Co to Peter Tetrick 11 October 1811_0002 Then 14 March 1822,
Ohio for $200.00. Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 10,
pages 74 and 75. James Irwin of Butler Co,
OH sells to David Mizner 14 Mar 1822_0001James Irwin of Butler Co,
OH sells to David Mizner 14 Mar 1822_0002 Then on 22 November 1823,
Ohio for $600.00. (Note: this James Baxter is William Cox Irwin father in-law through James Baxter's daughter Eliza Jane Baxter). Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 11,
pages 11 and 12. David Mizner of Warren Co,
OH to James Baxter 22 November 1823_0001David Mizner of Warren Co,
OH to James Baxter 22 November 1823_0002 Then when James Irwin dies on 10 Feb 1847,
per his will instructions the land he owned in Deerfield Township was divided among Robert Irwin (his only living child) and heirs of his deceased children (his grandchildren). The problem arises that the land can not be divided equally without causing harm to it's value hence Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et al heirs. The land by common pleas court order is sold at public auction and someone purchased it. The problem arises that James Irwin gave William Cox Irwin contract on the land to grow crops for 50 years or so. They then go back to court and William Cox Irwin purchased the land at appraised value (the same amount the other buyers paid for the land). Then Robert Irwin by sheriff (same law suit of Robert Irwin vs John Lowes et all heirs sold 99 1/4 acres in Range 2,
624.48. Interesting note: Robert Irwin owns land in this same section next to James Irwin as mentioned in court documents. Interesting note: William Cox Irwin is widower at this time with three small children,
Martha A. Irwin age 7,
Robert James Irwin age 5,
and William M. Irwin age 4 months old. William Cox Irwin’s wife,
Eliza Jane (Baxter) Irwin has died on 27 Oct 1849. The next year,
William Cox Irwin marries Sarah Harper in 1850. Their marriage is recorded in Hamilton County,
Marriage Records. Then a few years later,
Section 27. William Cox Irwin is ordered to pay John Lowes et al heirs damages. Recorded in Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 30,
pages 623,
624 and 625. Robert Irwin by sheriff to William Cox Irwin 8 December 1849_1Robert Irwin by sheriff to William Cox Irwin 8 December 1849_2Robert Irwin by sheriff to William Cox Irwin 8 December 1849_3 Then on 27 March 1867,
Section 27 to Fred Saulsbury for $879.00. Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Warren County,
Vol. 44,
pages 335 and 336. Robert Irwin to Fred Saulsbury 27 March 1867_1 Robert Irwin to Fred Saulsbury 27 March 1867_2 Then on 7 Sept 1867,
490.00. Recorded in Recorder’s Office in Warren County,
pages 621 and 622. Fred Saulsbury to Oliver Coleman 7 Sept 1867_0001Fred Saulsbury to Oliver Coleman 7 Sept 1867_0002